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Articles in peer reviewed journals

  • Mulder (2023) The paradox of externally driven localisation: A case study on how local actors manage the contradictory legitimacy requirements of top-down bottom-up aid. Journal of International Humanitarian Action, 8(7). 

  • Dryhurst, S., Mulder, F., Dallo, I., Kerr, J. R., McBride, S. K., Fallou, L., & Becker, J. S. (2022). Fighting misinformation in seismology: Expert opinion on earthquake facts vs. fiction. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 2271.

  • Mulder, F. (2020). Governing the humanitarian knowledge commons. Politics and Governance, 8(4), 407-420.

  • Mulder, F. (2020). Humanitarian data justice: A structural data justice lens on civic technologies in post‐earthquake Nepal. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 28(4), 432-445.

  • Mulder, F., Ferguson, J., Groenewegen, P., Boersma, K., & Wolbers, J. (2016). Questioning Big Data: Crowdsourcing crisis data towards an inclusive humanitarian response. Big Data & Society, 3(2)

  • Wolbers, J., Ferguson, J., Groenewegen, P., Mulder, F., & Boersma, K. (2016). Two faces of disaster response: Transcending the dichotomy of control and collaboration during the Nepal earthquake relief operation. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 34(3), 419-438.

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Book chapters

  • Mulder, F. (2024) Disaster knowledge management: a data justice lens on the construction of risk. In Principles and Concepts of Disaster Risks Vol.1 Chmutina, K., Rivera, D., and Fuentealba, R. (Eds.) [forthcoming]

  • Mulder, F. (2024) Feeding the monster while trying to change it. In Depoliticising Humanitarian Action: Paradigms, Dilemmas, Resistance. (Eds.) Desportes, I., Corbet., A., Siddiqi, A. [forthcoming]

  • Mulder, F. (2023). Localizing humanitarian knowledge management: A call for pragmatic robust action. In Reimagining Civil Society Collaborations in Development. (pp. 219-232). Van Wessel, M., Kontinen, T., and Bawole, J.N. (Eds.), Routledge.

  • Boersma, K., Ferguson, J., Groenewegen, P., Mulder, F., Schmidt, A., & Wolbers, J. (2019). Platform governance of self-organized initiatives in response to disasters. In Smart Hybridity. Potentials and Challenges of New Governance Arrangements, Koppejan, J., Karre, P.M., and K. Terrier, K. (Eds.) 31-42.

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Guest-edited special journal issues

  • Alexander, D., Fordham, M., Dryhurst, S., Mulder, F., (2025) Special Issue: Engaging Societal Stakeholders in Disaster Risk Reduction and Research. In International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction [Forthcoming]

  • Collective of early career researchers – Eelaferi, Eefje Hendriks, Laura Marlene Kmoch, Femke Mulder, Ricardo Fuentealba (2022) Special Issue: Emerging voices and pathways to inclusive disaster studies. In Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, 31. Volumes 1&2.

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Editorials and other media (selected)

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Conference papers

  • Jones, K., Mulder, F., Morga, M., & Wanigarathna, N. (2023, November). A Disaster Risk Management Decision Support System for Improved Organisational Resilience: The MEDiate Project. In Proceedings of the 22nd EuroFM Research Symposium.

  • Jones, K. G., Mulder, F., Morga, M., & Wanigarathna, N. (2023, May). Improving organisational resilience: the TURNkey project. In Proceedings of the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 1176, No. 1, p. 012043). IOP Publishing.

  • Wanigarathna, N., Jones, K., Mulder, F., Borzi, B., Bozzoni, F., & Festa, E. (2023, May). Economic appraisal standards for planning earthquake early warning infrastructure acquisition. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 1176, No. 1, p. 012030). IOP Publishing.

  • Jones, K. G., Mulder, F., Morga, M., & Wanigarathna, N. (2022, November). Facilities management and earthquake risk reduction: The TURNkey project. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 1101, No. 6, p. 062008). IOP Publishing.

  • Jones, K., Mulder, F., Morga, M., & Wanigarathna, N. (2022). Improving organisational resilience to disaster events: an FM perspective. In Proceedings 21st EuroFM Research Symposium

  • Mulder, F., & Boersma, F. K. (2017). Linking up the last mile: how humanitarian power relations shape community e-resilience. In Proceedings 14th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management

  • Baharmand, H., Meesters, K., Boersma, K., Mulder, F., & Wolbers, J. (2016). A multidisciplinary perspective on supporting community disaster resilience in Nepal. In Proceedings 13th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management.

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Research Reports

  • Alexander, D., Fordham, M., Mulder, F., (2024) Deliverable 4.4. RiskPACC Collaborative Framework [forthcoming]

  • Mariantonietta Morga, Keith Jones, Nadeeshani Wanigarathna, Femke Mulder, Federica Pascale, Alberto Vezzoso, Chen Huang, Håkan Bolin, Nicos Melis, & Dragos Toma-Danila. (2022). Deliverable D 7.7 A model Business Continuity and Resilience Plan and Disaster Management Plan Framework. Zenodo.

  • Keith Jones, & Femke Mulder. (2021). Deliverable 2.6. Revised use-cases for the FWCR Platform version Beta (PAR Cycle 1). Zenodo.

  • Keith Jones, Femke Mulder, Mariantonietta Morga, Federica Pascale, Nadeeshani Wanigarathna, Celia Callus, Abdelghani Meslem, Chen Huang, Håkan Bolin, Alberto Vezzoso, Sergio Molina Palacios, John Douglas, Alireza Kharazian, Alireza Azarbakht, Balan Stefan Florin, Davide Curone, Johannes Schweitzer, Francesco Finazzi, & Barbara Borzi. (2021). Deliverable D2.8 Revised use-cases for the FWCR Platform version 2.0 (PAR Cycle 2). Zenodo.

  • Keith Jones, Mariantonietta Morga, Femke Mulder, & Sólveig Þorvaldsdóttir. (2020). Deliverable D 5.1 Development of stakeholder performance metrics & System dynamic approach to risk management. Zenodo.

  • Jones, Keith, Morga, Mariantonietta, & Mulder, Femke. (2020). Deliverable D1.4 Report on Business Centric Use-Case Scenarios for CI and Local Business Stakeholder Groups. Zenodo.

  • Boersma, F. K., Ferguson, J. E., Mulder, F., & Wolbers, J. J. (2016). Humanitarian response coordination and cooperation in Nepal. Coping with challenges and dilemmas. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

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